Friday, March 20, 2015

Week 12

                                                           School Lunch (Week 12) 
This weeks school lunch is:
Monday - Ugnstekt fisk med varm örtsås och kokt potatis. (4/10)
Veg - Morotsbiff med remouladsås och kokt potatis.
Tisdag - Kyckling med röd curry, kokos och lime, ris. (6/10)
Veg - Pytt med gröna linser, chili- och honungscreme.
Onsdag - Köttfärsruta med BBQ-sås och ugnsbakad potatis. (3/10)
Veg - Fritata med svamp och mozzarella, ajvaryoghurt.
Torsdag - Stekt falukorv och makaroner. (8/10)
Veg - Stroganoff med quorn och ris.
Fredag - Kompisgratäng med gemytlig fredagsmyssås - Mexikansk kött- och potatisgratäng. (N/A)
Veg - Potatisgratäng med tacokryddad sojafärs, tomatsalsa och gräddfil.

                                         | This weeks average food rating was 5! |
                                                              | By Julian |

Cyclone Stops Volvo Ocean Race

This week there has been a delayed by 1 day for Volvo Ocean Race because of a cyclone. The cyclone has waves of over 20 meters and wind up to 200 km an hour. The cyclone is taking place in the north of New Zeeland. Volvo Ocean Race is when different teams sail around the world with different pit stops around the way. They start in Europe and end the race in Europe to. 

Two people dead and multiple hurt.

Two people were killed in a restaurant on the 18th of March.
The police suspects that there was two men in their twenties that died. Multiple people are in hospital now recovering.
Police are investigating if it has any strings with ”vårväderstorget” as well. Swedish Prime minister Stefan Löven is visiting Gothemburg during the day.

Sodexo  Recipe Contest

There is a contest were you send in a recipe to Sodexo and the 20 best recipe wrighters get a cinema ticket. Then the top 3 recipes get sent to a school in Norrmalm. The student try the food and then they vote for the recipe they like most the recipe that gets most votes wins an iPad air. Anyone from any school in Sweden can send in a recipe. The meal has to contain protein, carbohydrates and fat. Week 19 they will serve the 3 best recipes in all of the schools in Norrmalm. The last day to register is the 5th of April.
These are all of the judges:
Monika Wahlund, kock Sodexo och ordförande Norrmalms elevkock 2015
Sigrid Bárány, Sveriges Mästerkock 2012
Per-Olof Mossberg, administratör Adolf Fredriks Musikklasser
Mattias Segerbrand, skolmatsansvarig föräldraforumet MammPapp
Lena Arkeus, rektor Gustav Vasa skola
Per-Olof Andersson, biträdande rektor Vasa Real
Anna Bergman, biträdande platschef Sodexo Norrmalms skoloräby.pdfäby.pdf

     Solar eclipse
Every twenty five years in Sweden there is a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is when the moon covers the sun from the earth. Then it gets really dark. In Sweden it's only 85% of the sun that is covered so it is not going to be as dark as it is in Faro Islands witch has 98% covered. 

                Maths test
This week we had a maths test. The maths test was about graphs and averages. It was only one paper, and in the class nearly everyone thought it was easy but one person when we asked answered pencil.

Down Syndrome Day
Down syndrome day is a day when we celebrate peoples differences. The people who celebrate the day do that by wearing odd socks. Down syndrome day is a disease that slows down the development of the body in different ways. For example your development in speech or growth etc. 
The reason has to do with the chromosomes in our bodies.  


Today the prognoses says that it is going to rain and maybe snow. It is also very cloudy so we won't see the solar eclipse that is today 20/3/2015 10:30. It also says that it's 3 degrees. This is 10 degrees colder than yesterday. This rain/snow will be over tomorrow and will give more clear weather. But on Sunday more rain and snow will come but we don't know if it's more or less. Today the rain starts (considering the prognoses is right) at 12:00.

By Jennifer and Alex 


We are reading  a book named  Wonder. It is about a child named August with cronio facial differences that suddenly decides to go to school after his whole life with homeschooled by his mom. He knew going to school would be a challenge and it was, but he does make some new friends that support him and help through the hard first couple of weeks of school. Later in the book there are also different "chapters" where they give some people he knows point of view.

By Jesper and Liam 

                                                                 St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's day is celebrated on the 17th of March. Here is some history about St. Patrick.
According to the confessio of St. Patrick, he was about 16, he was captured by Irish pirates from his home in Britain, and taken as a slave to Ireland, where he lived for six years before escaping and returning to his family. After becoming a cleric, he returned to northern and western Ireland. In later life, he served as an ordained bishop, but little is know about the places where he worked. By the seventh century he had already come to be a revered saint of Ireland.   

By Freja


   Historieätarna is a Swedish tv show that is a hour long. The two main charactars are called Eric and Lottta but there are many side characters. It's about two people that try to live like people from the past. We saw a episode where they were  in vasa tiden. We thought that the food looked disgusting and they had to eat it.we  thought that it was really fun.

Baltasar and felix  

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