Friday, September 26, 2014

Week 39

Today everyone in the class got a paper with a scientist on it. You were suppose to do research on your own scientist. Then we presented them to the class.  

Alex         Charles Darwin           Molly       Ernest Rutherford
Alec    Joseph Thomson         Nathan     Graham Bell  
Baltasar        Aristotle            Oscar Dorothy Hodgkin
Bekim         Max Well             Sean  Michael Faraday
Ella            Max Planck       Stella      Galileo Galilei                      Elliot    William Harvey          Vera  Nicolaus Copernic                             
Emma        Jonas Salk           Wilma      Edwin Hubble
Felix         Johannes Kepler
Freja      Stephen Hawking
Gabriela        Blaise Pascal
Hugo             Jane Goodall
Isak                 Archimedes
Jennifer          Nikola Tesla
Jesper             Robert Koch
Julian                  Niels Bohr
Liam              Louis Pasteur                          
Maximus          Marie Curie

Week 39
In chemistry we got some powder. We felt it, smelled it and looked at it. We guessed what it was. Some people thought that it was sugar and other people thought it was baking powder. We wrote down what we thought. We dident find out what it was but we will be working more with it.

By Felix and Jennifer    


This week we had the big Olympics for our school. It was cold windy and raining but that didn't stop us. 5B started with high jump and the lowest jump was 80 centimetres and everyone was able to jump that, the highest our class was able to do was 1 meter and 20 centimetres. Then we went to the 60 meter run and since we have so many fast runners in our class it went by as fast as lightning. The next activity was long jump. After that we had the 800 meter run with the Swedish classes. Finally we had a break so we could eat our lunch. 

After lunch we had something in which we push a heavy ball as far as we can. Then we through a ball between 150 and 200 grams as far as we could. At that point we where the only class left even though we were the first ones to come. Then we left to go back to school. 

By: Ella and Wilma

Information from Monica!

Eftersom vi tråkigt nog fick avsluta OS för tidigt igår tänkte vi såhär:
För första gången i Johannes historia, kommer vi ta ett långt uppehåll under OS för att återuppta tävlingarna igen i maj. OS kommer fortsätta i slutet av maj, veckan innan Lilla OS, så att vi kan utse en vinnare som sen får vara OS-faddrar under Lilla OS! Vi kommer tävla i 60 m, höjdhopp och 800 m. Alla fick köra kast med liten boll, kulstötning och längdhopp nu i onsdags. Så även om man hann göra andra grenar, så får man göra om så alla tävlar under samma förutsättningar!
   Att vara OS-fadder innebär att man hjälper till som funktionär under Lilla OS, förklarar vad man ska göra på den stationen man ansvarar för och peppa eleverna i åk 1-3 som tävlar. I Lilla OS använder vi oss inte av resultat utan det viktigaste är OS-andan, där man peppar och hejar på varandra. 

Vi återkommer när vi hittat ett datum som passar och där antingen Enskede eller Kristineberg är ledigt. 

This week in sewing we did "broderingar" of famous inventions/discoverys like hot air bloons, space rockets and pineapples (by Nathan). Some used sewingmachines and some did it by hand. Exibit a is sewed by hand exibit b is sewed by machine. Nathan made a pineapple and Elliot made a helicopter.



During  the Swedish lesson, we got homework that we should read a magazine about Eva and Adam.It was about parlament  and democracy. In the parliament there is 349 people that we vote for. The more votes a party gets the more places in the parliament they get. We were supposed to write 5 questions about the text in Swedish and English. It was due the 25/9.

    Dröm om demokrati
We watched a TV series about democracy. It was year 2040 and Sweden was leaded by a dictator. The few who have protested got thrown in reprogramming jail. A boy and his grandma want to protest against the dictator so they hack in to the sending program and convince the people in Sweden to protest against the dictator. At the end the dictator gives up and Sweden is a free land and everyone is happy. The grandma gets old but at least I die with my wishes come true, she says. THE END.
By Emma and Liam                                   

 Elevensval Teknik
This week we did quelling. You have Long and very thin paper and then twirl it around a little stick and shape it how you want. Then you glue it on a paper and make a picture. They all turned in to be really nice!

Art (Elevensval)

This week in art (Elevensval) we were working with our Mona Lisa, and when we were done we started a new one and bigger one in groups. You divided the picture in six squares, and each person got one to draw. Next week is the last time in art (Elevensval) and we will choose a new elevens val. Our art (Elevensval) teacher is Lotta.

By Julian and Stella                                                                     


This is what we had for lunch this Week.

This is what will have for lunch next week.

                                                                  New Seating

This week we changed seats. This is a photo of our new seating.

We moved seats because it's good to move around. We also moved because we usually work with the person beside so it's good to change person to work with.
 Test about ear and sound

We had a test about the ear and sound. The First page we got a little text about the ear. In the text there was a discription about the ear and what different parts are called in the ear. Then we got to labele what the parts are called inside the ear. On the next page there where questions about sound and the ear for example stuff about high pitches and pitches and frequency. The highest score you could get was 25 but noone got. If you had 15 or over you got pass with distinction but if you got 7-14 you pass. Everyone passed so everyone got over 7.

Balti and Sean 

            Student Choice Wood Work
This week in woodwork at students' choice we were working on projects that were inspired by Leonardo da Vinci. We were working on things such as chairs, mobile stands, helicopters, boats and boxes. If you don't know who Leonardo da Vinci was he was an italian artist, inventor, writer and scientist. His most well known work is his painting, Mona Lisa. We will be working on these projects next week to.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 38

                    SCHOOL ELECTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BY BEKIM AND OSCAR          

                 `Last Friday  we had  a school election for mellanstadiet. At 10:20 the whole class went to aulan and voted. Everybody was standing in a line outside aulan for there turn. You go and take paper  of the parti that you would like to vote on and then you go behind a green booth. After that you put the paper of the parti that you want to vote on in a envelope and they ask your full name and class and then they take your envelope and put it in a white box then they  say now you have voted. If there’s a party that dosen’t  have there own paper  then there’s a blank paper  that you can write the name of the party.

                        (the movie)
In Swedish with Patrik on the 18/9 we watched a movie called Förortsungar it is about a girl called Amina that came to Sweden to hide in an apartment with her grandfather. She is hiding in this apartment because if the police finds her and her grandfather they will get sent back to  home land where there is a war. Amina’s grandfather dies and Jonas the guy that ones the apartment takes care of Amina. Amina and her friends finds  two guys in the basement that are hiding drugs. They called the police because she saw Jonas getting money from another guy and the neighbor thought they were dealing drugs so Jonas went to jail and Amina had to go to a Childrens home. Amina escaped and her and her friends made a plan to get them in jail. Everything gets in to place and Jonas becomes Amina’s father.

By Jennifer Molly and Emma      

       Förorts Ungar 
Alex & Alec
This movie is about a girl and her grandpa, that come from a country and need help. In the beginning of the movie her grandpa dies because he didn't dare to go to the doctors cause he thought they would throw him out of the country. He died of a heart attack. So Amina (the girl) has to live at this guy who is called Johan (Gustafson Skarsgård) who also is in a rockband. The movie is very interesting and also sad. Johan gets arrested suspected for having drugs, but then the police (with help of some kids) found the real deal. We give this a 5/10.


This week we had high jumping the tallest was 120 cm tall. A few did 100 cm.
We also did"cast med liten boll" but we did it with a beanbag. We were training for the Johannes Olympics. There will  running,high jumping and much more. Last year in Johannes OS the 6 grade won. Alex won a medal last year too.


This week in syslöjd we were knitting. It is quite hard to knit because you have to hold the thread and knitting needles the right way. Everyone is done with are test knitting’s. Next week we will start with doing it for real.  Knitting is fun but a bit challenging, you can do a lot of things if you learn to knit like, a hat, a cooking, mitten, gloves and much more.  If you would like to learn how to knit visit this page:


The theme for elevensval is Leonardo da Vinci. Baltasar and Liam made an picture of the Santa Maria aka a popular cathedral in Florence. The people in so/HISTORIA had to write a paragraph about Leonardo da Vinci. You also had to draw
a poster and glue on the paragraph and make a picture.

Balti and Liam 

Current events - school photo - school Olympics 

School photo
On September  the 30th - 2nd October the school photographer is coming to take school photos. We don't know anything more about it but we will come back with more info.

School Olympics
On September the 24th we are having 4th graders to 6th graders Olympics. Our music teacher Tomas will be taking us to Sockenplan where we are having the Olympics and where we are meeting Hillary!
We are having: 
(Löpning) running
(Längd hopp) long jump
(Höjd hopp) high jump
Kul stötning
(Stafet) relay
Remember to bring your packed lunch!

                                                             Engineering (teknik)

This week in engineering we used a method called quilling. Quilling is when you take a paintbrush or pencil and wrap a one centimeter wide  paper strip around it to make a shape. 
Here is a small video on quilling.

Here is a photo of some different forms. 

The forms can look different depending on how you fold and then roll them. For example you can make a heart or a music note. We where supposed to make a picture like a flower or something like that. And now to end your read with a smile, a quilled mustache!

To get to know 5B a bit more here are two surveys about our class!
Our favorite junk foods

Our Favorite Sports


Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 37

Today we are going to vote! There are:
Centerpartiet, Folkpartiet, Kristdemokraterna, Miljopartiet,Moderaterna, Socialdemokraterna, Vansterpartiet, Sverigedemoikraterna.  We’re going to vote like you do in real life. It’s going to be real fun. We’re going to do this every Friday before the real election. Every 4th year it’s the 4, 5, 6 grades who votes. The 6th graders  also take care of the voting station.
By Gabriela and Vera J

Political Parties
Oscar & Alec
We have been reading about the political parties and the voting that's on Sunday. The top parties are Centerpartiet (they focus on the environment),  Folkpartiet(they focus more on europe), Kristdemokraterna(they want that life should be as good as possible), Miljöpartiet(they also focus on the environment), Nya Moderaterna(they want that everyone should have a job), Socialdemokraterna(
 they want more jobs aswell), Sverigedemokraterna (they want to take away some of the immigrants) and Vänsterpartiet (they want that all the money go to good stuff like hospitals and schools). 

Folkpartiet, Nya Moderaterna, Kristdemokraterna and Centerpartiet are in alliansen.  

                                                                  Student choice
On Thursday we had student choice some people had teknik and some had sewing. On teknik we had ten pieces of paper that you should put together and make the tallest paper. In sewing we drew pictures of things that we will like to sew like a rocket or a helicopter.  

CONJUNCTIONS                                                            A conjunction is a word that combines two different things for example like if I say:

For example: There was a dog walking on the street and it was blue

Usage      cordinating conjunction

Additional       and
Cause              but, yet
Result             for
Choice            so
                       Or, not

We are going to have a quiz on Monday.


week 37

This week on Wednesday, half the class had sewing and the other half had woodwork. In sewing we were knitting a small little rectangle that we put in our sewing map. After that we get to knit whatever we wanted. To knit you need two knitting needles and thread. Wen you knit you hav got to have pasients it takes time to get the hang of it but after a while you have got the hang of it.

by Emma


This Sunday is the election for “Riksdag”, “Kommun” and “Landsting”. This year in Sweden there are 8 different parties to vote for. “Nya Moderaterna”, “Folkpartiet”, “Centerpartiet” and “Kristdemokraterna” are all in Alliansen. The ones on the other side are “Socialdemokraterna”, “Vänsterpartiet” and “Milöpartiet” which are called “Rödgröna”. Then there is “Sverigedemokraterna” that don´t have a side. You vote in many different places across Sweden. To vote you need to be over 18 and a Swedish citizen.
Student Council Election
This week we voted on who we thought should be class rep. The people that were candidates were Wilma, Julian, Oscar, and Ella. When we voted Julian became class representative and Ella became the understudy. In our school  we have buddy's, Wilma and Oscar are in charge of the activities we do with them. The class representatives job is to take the notes from the class meeting and then take it up at the student council. At the class meeting we have been talking about what we think is important and what we think is a problem. 
By: Ella🇺🇸 and Wilma🇬🇧
Varmkorv och potatismos, Fläskfritt alt: Varmkorv, (nötkött) och potatismos, Winjekorv med potatismos

Laxpanett med kall örtsås och kokt potatis , Currywokade grönsaker med couscous

Tacokryddad köttfärsröra med nachos och tillbehör, Tacokryddad bönröra med nachochips och tillbehör

Kycklingryta Tandoori med ris och honungsyoghurt, Krämig pastagratäng med blandade bönor och kall chilicreme

Mexikansk köttfärs- och potatisgratäng, Greenburger med kall örtsås och kokt potatis

Vi ger dena vecka 2/3

Nästa vecka

Kebabgryta med bulgur, Broccoligratäng med Grana Padano och kokt potatis

Kryddstekt kapkummel med chipotlesalsa, yoghurtsås och örtslungad potatis, Provencalsk gryta med bönor och bulgur

 Asiatisk fläskköttsgryta med sötsur sås och ris, Potatisgratäng med spanska grönsaker

Kyckling Tagine med couscous, Krämig linsgulasch med couscous

Köttfärsruta med tomatsås och rostade rotfrukter och morotssallad, Pannbiff med tomatsås och rostade rotfrukter och morotssallad , Fritata med svamp och mozzarella, ajvaryoghurt
                                                       Week 37

Today in gym we are going to do the orienteering classic. We will get a map from Monica that is of the whole Vanadis area. We will be by ourselves in Vanadis. There will be different places on the map we should go to. On every station there is an orange and white small square thing hanging on a tree. On it there is a stamp that you stamp on your paper to show that you found it. The classic you do in 4th grade, 5th grade and 6th grade. Swimming, running, ice-skating and orienteering are part of it. Every year it gets harder, you run farther, swim longer and do more laps on the ice rink.

By Molly and Jennifer 


We were at  woodwork and worked with chisels.
 We drew   a picture on the wood and we  carved
the wood. To carve the wood we had to use a special tool called a stälmhjärn
Skölpar to carve out the wood. You got a wood block 
about 5cm tall and 10cm wide 10cm long.  Tord told us
to chisel with the fibers. Tord told us to chisel on where the 
Fiber was pointing.

Balti Liam 

                   Dröm Om Demokrati
This Week and last Week we watched a series called "Dröm om Demokrati".
It's about Sweden in 2040 where a dictatorship has risen, and a boy and his grandma are trying to bring back democracy like it was before. He learns about democracy by watching a program on his iPad called "Dröm om Demokrati" but the dictator doesn't allow any one to talk or think about democracy or he will sentence them to death or prison. We haven't seen the last episode yet so we don't know how it ends.

                 Math Games
Yesterday half of the class were playing math games whiles the other half was working in their new math books (MatteBorgen 5B). One of the you play like this. You have a board where it says " hundred thousands, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and units. Then there is a small bucket that you take out a number. The numbers are 0,5,6,7,8 and 9. The goal is to get the highest number. In our math books we were working with place value and standard form 100,582 expanded form 100,000+500+80+2 and in written form one hundred thousand five hundred and eighty-two.

Alex                           &                 Maximus

Friday, September 5, 2014

Week 36

And the Nominees are....
Class Rep Nominations
Next week the people who were nominated and wanted to run for class representatives  are going to do their speeches. The people who are going to do speeches are Julian, Oscar, Ella, Wilma and Vera. #yourvote. Their speeches are on Monday. When they write their speeches they have to write why they want to be class representatives and also why they would be a good class representative. 


We started are lesson by talking about Leonardo da Vinci, because are lessons in teknik is about Leonardo da Vinci. After that we got build geometrical forms that Leonardo da Vinci drew for his friend Luca Pacioli who was a Franciscan friar (a type of Catholic priest). Pacioli loved math and wrote several books about mathematics that were read and studied by people all around Europe. Pacioli traveled all around Italy and taught math at universities. Leonardo da Vinci was asked to illustrate his book The Divine Proportion, Leonardo agreed his drawings for the book helped influenced the way people viewed geometric forms forever after.

Politcal Parties

There is an election coming up in Sweden and we wanted to learn about it and all the political parties. First we all said the major parties in Sweden and Hillary wrote them on the white board. Than we put the names of the parties in a cup. Next we pulled the names out of the cup and than we would try to learn about the parties that we got. We were in groups of 3. I researched about socialdemokraterna with vera and emma. We wrote the facts and questions that we wanted to ask the campaigners at "valstugen".  You can read more about that on a different text.
By Julian  

Woodwork!     By     Maximus
Yesterday we had elevens val and I got woodwork. Elevens Val is when everyone in the 5th grade are divided up into different groups where you learn different things. There is sewing with Agneta, teknik with Hillary, woodwork with Tord, Social Studies  with Micke and art with Lotta.  The teachers have decided to have a theme and the theme was Leonardo Da - Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci is a famous artist and inventor. He invented  the helicopter and the parachute. He painted The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. I built a helicopter and have come almost halfway. The lessons are 80 minutes long (08:20-09:40.)

The bridge to Terabithia 
  This week we saw a movie called The Bridge to Terabithia. The movie is about a poor boy named Jess. Jess has four sisters and a kind mother but a mean father. Jess is teased at school but one day a new girl starts in school, her name is Lesley Burke. The same day they are having a race on the school yard. Jess loves running and is hopping to win but at the last few seconds Lesley pulls ahead and wins the race. Jess is  irritated that he lost and wants nothing else to do with her. When he steps off the school bus Lesley followers him. She tells him that she lives next door. The next day she races him to the forest, there they find a magic rope hanging over a river. They swing over to the other side and there waits magical creatures, the Dark lord, and his evil minions. 

 Lesley is played by Anna Sophia Robb and Jess is played by Josh Hutcherson

Ella and Seán!!!

                                                                  Parent meeting
Yesterday was a parent meeting. The teachers and the parents were talking about the school year and the schedule. They were also talking about homework and the new teacher Patrick. 


On Thursday we got to meet different parties. Me and my partner met Miljöpartiet. We had to describe about our party and write 3-5 questions. One was how long time will it take to fix Östersjön? The anwser was: 5-10 years.   How are you going to fix Östersjön? How are you going to make everything green/eco? The answer was: Yes of course.                                                              

 Haga Day
                                                                                     Week 36, 5B blog

On Wednesday this week it was Haga day. On Haga day you run, the whole school runs except the preschoolers greenies. First, grade one, two and three run 1 km (1 lap) and after that grade four, five and six run 2 km (2 laps).
At the end of the day before everyone went back to school then a teacher presents the winners. First they present the fastest girl and boy in the first lap (grade one, two, and three) and then they present the winning class of the first lap, witch is the five first people from that class that makes so the class wins. This year our buddy class (2B) won the golden shoe.
Then they presents the fastest girl and boy in the second lap (grade one, two, and three) and then they presents the winning class (the same rules apply). So this year OUR CLASS WON!!!!!!!!
So when they called our class and said that we won we got reeeeaaaly happy and jumped up and down!!!
When almost everybody had gone back to school and probably had ended or had another lesson, then we had TWO HOURS LEFT then Monica decided that we would stay at Haga park and have free time for doing what we wanted to do!!!! So some were playing football , some were just talking and some were up in the woods and built a "hut" out of leaves and sticks. And after awhile we went back to school and we ended early.

By Emma and Molly

On Thursday the whole class took the subway or underground to Sergelstorg in the Centre of Stockholm. Everyone in the class had a party to research about and and ask questions. All the parties were there. Campaigners were there to answer our questions. There was huts for  Moderaterna, Socialdemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Sverigedemokraterna, Folkpartiet,  Centerpartiet, Vänsterpartiet, Kristdemokraterna and Feministiskt initiativ. Every group asked about 3-5 questions to the political party. We also got a bit of candy and pins each. We had a really fun time there.

Elliot and Nathan  

Elevens val

Elevens val is when everybody gets a paper with 5 chocies. This year we got to choose from, sewing, teknik. Woodwork, social studies and art. Each student gets to choose 3 of them and whatever happens you get in one of them. All the subjects This year were based off Leonardo da  Vinci. In teknik we got to build stuff of of peas and tooth picks to create something like this.
In social studies we got to research Leonardo's history. In art we got to do something about Leonardo's paintings. And in sewing and woodwork it was just normal sewing and woodwork.

This is what we had for lunch this week. 

By Stella Mc Intyre & Freja Jackson-Ward!

Ugnstekt fisk med remouladsås och kokt potatis
Selleribiff med remouladsås och kokt potatis
Spaghetti med köttfärssås
Quornfilé med varm örtsås och klyftpotatis
Kyckling- och potatisgratäng, morotssallad 
Potatisgratäng med ost och spenat
Tomatsoppa med pasta, mjukt bröd och ost
Spenatsoppa med ägghalva, mjukt bröd och ost
Kinagryta med fläskkött, bambuskott och grönsaker med ris
Spaghetti med tomat- och linssås

This is next week's lunch


Varmkorv och potatismos
Varmkorv av nötkött och potatismos
Winjekorv med potatismos
Laxpanett med kall örtsås och kokt potatis
Currywokade grönsaker med couscous
Tacokryddad köttfärsröra med nachos och tillbehör
Tacokryddad bönröra med nachochips och tillbehör
Kycklingryta Tandoori med ris och houngsyoghurt
Krämig pastagratäng med blandade bönor och kall chilicreme
Mexikansk köttfärs- och potatisgratäng
Greenburger med kall örtsås och kokt potatis