Students Choice-Sewing

Today we changed seats. Hillary picked out names from
a cup with evryones name we called it the lucky draw. We sit next to these
Isak – Oscar
Felix – Maximus
Julian – Bekim
– Baltasar
– Vera
– Jesper
Emma – Wilma
Hugo - ?
Nathan -?
Alec - ?
These are our new places!
By Molly and Jennifer!
Life is Beautiful
By Emma and Wilma
This week we finished watching
a movie called La Viva e` Bella (Life is Beautiful). It is about the Second
World War. A father and his son goes to the concentration camp with the
father`s uncle. The father pretends that it is all a game so that his son won`t
get frighten. The son is about six years old. When they arrive the uncle goes
into a different line, then the dad pretends that he goes into a different
team. While he actually goes to the “showers”. Where they gas them to death.
The Mother of the boy is not a Jew but when she found out
that they had been taken she demands to follow, because her son and husband are
on the train.
Europe trip
This week we worked on Europe trip a few lessons. The thing we worked on was making a passport for when we "travel" around Europe. Nearly everyone is done with the passport and some people have started with the diary cover. The diary is to record the things that happen in our "trip". When we finish that we will look up information in both books and on internet about the places we are "traveling" to.
By: Ella and Vera
Life is Beautiful
We watched a movie called "Life is Beautiful". It was about a man (Roberto Benigini) called Guido. He married a woman called Dora and then they had a son called Giosué. One day soldiers came home to them and took them to a concentration camp. Guido said to Giosué that it was only a game so that he wouldn't get scared. He said that you get points for everything you do and the first one to 1000 points wins a tank, and Giosué loves tanks. Dora wanted to go with to the camp, so she could die with them. They let her go on the train that took them to the camp. We're not going to spoil the rest. We really think you should watch this movie.
Alec & Nathan
In math this week we had geometry. We worked with area and perimeter We started working in a new math folder which was about geometry and shapes. We thought that it was hard and a little fun. Last Tuesday we got a paper where we had to measure 10 objects and figure out the area and perimeter.
Alex and Baltasar
Vi I femman
Every year there is a competition called "Vi I Femman" where they pick out the smartest classes in Sweden. Our class is in the competition. We got a paper and there we had to write our first name and our last name. After that you had to write what class you go in and your teachers name. Then you got 25 questions and the classes that get the questions right come in to "vi I femman".
By Isak and Oscar
Kahoot is a quiz were everyone gets an ipad while Patrick is making a quiz server on the whiteboard. When Patrik has made a game server everyone joins the server and then we start. Everyone chooses a nickname and when you join your nickname comes up on to the whiteboard which is the scoreboard in this case. Patrik can decided how long time you have to answer the questions, we usually play with twenty seconds. He can also choose what category and how many questions. When the game starts a question pops up on the whiteboard, you get three seconds to read the questions. After you have read the question you get three or four answers to choose from. Red blue green and yellow. On your iPad all of those colors pop up and you klick the one you think is the right answer. You get points and you should try to answer as quickly because you get more points that way. Whoever gets the most points wins the game.
By Maximus & Felix
On Wednesday at gym we were working on being co-operative. One of the people would be blindfolded and the rest of the group would guide you and than after that you would go into groups 2-and-2 and than only one person would guide you. But before that we would sit in a circle with our group and we would take a rope and make it a square without looking.
By Bekim and Julian!
Every Tuesday until schack 5-6an Ingvar will come to our class and teach us how to get better at chess. Ingvar is a chess teacher who has chess lessons at the school. He was our "coach" last year in schack 4an, and we are hoping to get as far in schack 5-6an as we did in schack 4an last year. It will be fun and challenging but mostly fun.
By Hugo
This week on Thursday the 6th of November we had the first snowfall this winter! It was on Stella's eleventh birthday. During break all the kids went up to the football field and played with the snow. They built snowmen and all kinds of other things. On the next day it melted though, but it was still fun and we expect more snow this winter.
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