10/6 Written assessments can be seen on Skolwebb
End of term ceremony
We will meet by the classroom at 9:50 and then go out to the schoolyard to figure out where we sit together. The ceremony begins at 10:00 afterwards we go back to the classroom for about 15 minutes.
If you were not able to come to the open classroom, you may also stay after the ceremony or come earlier. The classroom will be unlocked at both times. If that doesn't work, then you'll be able to see your child's general work from their green folder at home and then the assessments you can see at the start of the fall term.
9/6 6th grade lunch ....Those students that are part of the service team should bring in their clothes on Monday 8/6.
Teachers play 6th graders in a football match
8/6 end of term "fika". Those students that have their birthdays January-July may bring in something to share with the class. Think about allergies.
5/6 Teachers against the grade 6 in a game of Brännboll
28/5 Open Classroom 15:00-16:45
28/5 End of year math tasks (Review from the whole year)
22/5 Johannes OS ca.
10-14, Kristinebergs IP
22/5 Last day for detective stories (Swedish-Patrik)
20-21/5 Hillary away on a course
19/5 Math test....4 mathematical operations
22/5 Last day for detective stories (Swedish-Patrik)
20-21/5 Hillary away on a course
19/5 Math test....4 mathematical operations
21/5 SL will come to talk about traffic safety 9:00
Levande Frågelådan (Question time at the University) 13:00-14:00
5/5 Team A plays chess online at 10:00
13/5 Author visit
Levande Frågelådan (Question time at the University) 13:00-14:00
5/5 Team A plays chess online at 10:00
13/5 Author visit
30/4 Crazy Hair Day! Middle Ages Test
28/4 Science Test: the water cycle, photosynthesis, vocabulary, sewage systems, rainforest
You will be answering the following question:
How can a waterdrop come from Hillary's water glass to a banana plant in Ecuador?
24/4 Yes2Chess all matches completed
Team A
Team B 17/4 at 10:00
Team C 16/4 at 10:00
Team D 17/4 at 10:45
23/4 Math test about angles
20/4 Question time at the university information 9:30-10:00
26/3 Middle Ages Museum: Students need a packed lunch, no carbonated sodas or waters please. School starts at 8:20 as usual. Please be on time!
17/3 St Patrick's Day! Wear GREEN!! No pinching each other
Friday 13th Wear as much red, pink and white in celebration with Valentine's day
Wednesday, 11th Skating
February 4th Parents' meeting
Friday 30/1 Dress up as a book, film, or tv character of your choice!
Friday 23/1, Monday 26/1 and Wednesday 28/1-Development talks
Monday 19th math test about decimals
18 Last day of school and end of term ceremony (Counts as 2 days)
We will be meeting our buddy class at 10:00 for an activity!
At our last class meeting, the students decided that they would like to have a "fika" and movie. We decided that those that have had their birthdays from July-Dec 2014 may bring something in to share with the class if they want. We do have some allergies (gluten, nuts, and lactose).
The ceremony begins at 16:30 in the schoolyard. We will meet everyone outside. You may come to the classroom before if you want to. We will prepare to go out around 16:15.
Information från
På Johannes skola
lägger vi stor vikt vid att lära eleverna att värna vår miljö och omvärld.
Många av våra klasser har genom åren bland annat varit involverade i olika
miljöprojekt, för att fokusera på hållbar utveckling. Fyrverkerier är vackra
att se på, men eftersom de både förorenar vår miljö och kan skada och skrämma
såväl djur som människor i vår närmiljö har vi i år bestämt oss för att byta ut
fyrverkeriet på avslutningen mot andra aktiviteter. Vi hoppas och tror att vi
kan skapa nya traditioner som ger samma känsla av fest och samhörighet!
1 Dental hygienist will visit the class at 9:00. Please be on time.
1 Opera workshop
5 chemistry assessment
6 Julmarknad
10 Nobel Day
11 Hour of Code
12 Lucia celebration
Luciatåg i trapphuset
fredag den 12 dec!
F a, 1a, 1c, 2c, 3b, 4a, 4c,
5b, 5c, 6c
Fb, Fc, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3c,
4b, 5a, 6a, 6b
Skolan låses 7.55 och all
korridorbelysning släcks strax efter det. Då måste alla som ska vara med på
första omgången sitta på plats utanför personalrummet. OBS! Elever som kommer för sent går till F-1-huset.
Skolan öppnas igen efter
första tåget, ca 8.20.
Inför det andra tåget låser
vi skolan 8.40 och låser upp igen när det är klart, ca 9.10.
Under tiden som luciatåget
sjunger i trapphuset får de elever som är i klassrummen absolut inte röra sig i
korridorer och trapphus.
Thomas och Ingrid
18 Last day of school and end of term ceremony (Counts as 2 days)
At our last class meeting, the students decided that they would like to have a "fika" and movie. We decided that those that have had their birthdays from July-Dec 2014 may bring something in to share with the class if they want. We do have some allergies (gluten, nuts, and lactose).
The ceremony begins at 16:30 in the schoolyard. We will meet everyone outside. You may come to the classroom before if you want to. We will prepare to go out around 16:15.
Information från
På Johannes skola
lägger vi stor vikt vid att lära eleverna att värna vår miljö och omvärld.
Många av våra klasser har genom åren bland annat varit involverade i olika
miljöprojekt, för att fokusera på hållbar utveckling. Fyrverkerier är vackra
att se på, men eftersom de både förorenar vår miljö och kan skada och skrämma
såväl djur som människor i vår närmiljö har vi i år bestämt oss för att byta ut
fyrverkeriet på avslutningen mot andra aktiviteter. Vi hoppas och tror att vi
kan skapa nya traditioner som ger samma känsla av fest och samhörighet!
20- Students may come to school at 8:40 to compensate for coming earlier on Monday.
17- Opera visit. We leave promptly at 9:00. Please be in the classroom by 8:40 for attendance Packed lunch ! Your child needs to have some sort of shoe that can be worn indoors.
11-chess with Ingvar
10- Maximus' grandfather is visiting the class
5- Vi i Femman 10:00
If you want to prepare
4 Chess with Ingvar 13:00
3-4/11 Hillary will be away from school. If you want to prepare
4 Chess with Ingvar 13:00
Development Talks weeks 42 and 43
Chess with Ingvar Tuesday 14/10 at 13:00
Monday 20th UN Day assembly
Friday 24th Halloween activities
Students may dress up. They may bring in no more than 20Kr worth of something to eat. It is for them to eat not to share with anyone else in the class or school. No nuts due to allergies.
2 October Photos 10:40-11:20
3 September "Hagadagen"
Our annual Start of the school run will be held 3/9. We'll be walking with our buddy class just after attendance is taken. 5B will be running around the track twice this year. The track is 1 km long. Our goal is to have 5 students cross the finishing line before the other classes. We will be back at school around 13:30.
Students will need to dress for the weather! They will also need a packed lunch and something to sit on. Think about taking extra water especially if it is a warm day.
4 September 12:20-5th graders visit the Campaigning Huts in Sergelstorg.
4 September parent's meeting 18:00
24 September Junior Olympics
30 September Föräldrarråd 18:00
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