Work that you need to finish before the end of the school year. Check your desks!
Look over your maths from the year. On Thursday 26th, you'll get a few problems from concepts we have done over the year.
Week 21 Due 22/5
Continue reading 3 x30.
Math: math test will be on 19/5. It will cover the following:
negative numbers
equations with more than one mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, division or multiplication)
division - setting it up as long division or using a memory number
problem solving
I've given everyone a copy of the "diagnos" from the mathbook as a good review. The test will be similiar but will also include a few more word problems.
22/5 Mystery/detective stories need to be done
27/5 Last day to hand in your typed detective/mystery story. You may send it to or print it out yourself. If you don't have the possibility to type it at home, then you are free to go to afterschool homework help in Lotta's room on Mondays between 15-16:30 or talk to Hillary and find a time that is suitable.
Week 16 Due 24/4
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
If you haven't done your book report from a couple of weeks ago, please make sure that you do it.
Science: We have been working with the water cycle for a few weeks now. On the 28th of April you will be having a test about the following topics: the water cycle, photosynthesis, sewage system, ecosystem, biome, rainforest, recycling
In preparation for the test, research the above topics in books, internet, etc and write about each one. Be sure to write where you got your information.
Here are a few films7websites to check out. Bill Nye the science guy also has a lot of info.
Week 13
Due to a short week and a lot of activities, change of schedule etc, continue reading! Make sure you've handed in your booklog and any other homework that you may have missed.
Week 12
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
Math: Look around your home for angles. Make a list of what you've found.
There have been a lot of students who have been absent due to different reasons. Quite a few students have taken up that they have a lot of work to finish up. Now is their chance to catch up! Look through your desks and see if it applies to you.
Week 11 due 20/3
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
Two perspectives "How I came to life"
Interview 2 different people (mother, father, grandmother etc) about the day you were born. Summarize in paragraphs what they both said. Reflect over what the two people said. You should have at least 3 paragraphs. Please remember grammar rules about capitalization and use complete sentences.
On Tuesday 17/3, you will have a short test about graphs, pie charts and averages. Review how to find an average. If you haven't finished your math package, you can choose some pages from it. You don't need to do everything in it.
Läxa i bild:
1. Gör klart din bildmapp eller gör en ny om du tappat bort den.
2. Välj ut en känd konstnär och se hur han/hon uttryckt känslor i sina verk. Jämför med övningen som vi gjorde på senaste lektionen. Maila eller skriv ut bilden du valt och ta med till nästa bildlektion 17/3 som inspiration.
Week 10 due 13/3
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
English book report
Choose a book from your booklog. Write a book report. It should be typed. You may handwrite it and type it during school.
Include the following:
a short summary of the book (no more than 2 paragraphs)
1 paragraph if you liked the book, would recommend it to others and a favorite part or character
Torsdagen den 12/3 är det prov på ordklasserna substantiv,
adjektiv, verb, prepositioner, pronomen och räkneord.
Eleverna har förberett sig i skolan med genomgångar, filmer
och övningar. Med sig hem har de ett övningsunderlag av samma typ som provet,
sin anteckningsbok med regler samt möjligheten att repetera genom att titta på
grammatikbolaget, se länken:
De ska kunna placera ord under rätt ordklass och motivera
varför ordet hör hemma där, ju fler relevanta formuleringar desto bättre.
Läxa i bild:
1. Gör klart din bildmapp eller gör en ny om du
tappat bort den.
2. Välj ut en känd konstnär och se hur han/hon
uttryckt känslor i sina verk. Jämför med övningen som vi gjorde på senaste
lektionen. Maila eller skriv ut bilden du valt och ta med till nästa
bildlektion 17/3 som inspiration.
Week 7
Math: Finish any work (decimals, average, pie charts) that you haven't finished. Some of you have been sick and have not caught up. Next week we will be doing part of the Stockholm city test. Part 1 we will be doing on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. The tests include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of larger numbers, decimals and story problems. Part 2 we will be doing during week 10.
English book report
During week 10 you will be writing a book report for a book that you have been reading. It must be a book that you have been logging in your booklog that you should be handing it each week. I will talk more about it on Monday. Please make sure that you are handing your booklog in every week.
är en av de viktigaste färdigheterna i samhället och därför också i skolan.
Därför startar vi nu upp läsutmaningen 2015.
är en läs-läxa som löper under hela vårterminen och som syftar till att
utveckla elevernas läsning på svenska, såväl vad gäller läs flyt som i
är att alla elever ska ta läsborgarmärket innan terminen är slut, minst fem
lästa böcker. Jag hoppas förstås att alla ska satsa på att läsa fler, helst upp
till femton.
om läsborgarmärket och hur det går till kan ni läsa på:
Vänligen Patrik Garney, lärare 5b, SV och SO.
Week 6 Due Friday 13/2
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
Make a special heart or card for your buddy in 2B. Of course write positive things that you want them to know! If you need paper from school, let me know :-)
Week 5 Due Friday 6/2
There are quite a few that don't hand in their booklogs. Those students that had a goal to work on their handwriting it is a perfect opportunity to work on it as well as read.
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
Find an article from a newspaper (can be from the internet but from a newspaper online). Write a summary of the article and then your own reflections. Please let me know if you need me to print out the article in good time!
Week 4 Due Friday 30/1
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
Week 3 Due Monday 26/1
Inventor Report
You will be
completing a two-part homework assignment
this week. You should have chosen a famous inventor that you would like to learn
more about. You will research the person by reading a biography
of that person, using electronic encyclopedia resources,
or reading articles
from the internet. You may type or neatly write a 2 or 3-paragraph
report and create a poster which you will present to the class.
The guidelines for
the written or typed report are as follows:
1st paragraph: The first
paragraph should focus on the inventor as a person.
When and where was
this person born? What are some important events in
this person’s life
that led up to his/her invention?
2nd paragraph: The second
paragraph should focus on the invention(s) itself.
What invention(s) is
this person most famous for? How or why was it
invented? What is it
used for today or what came from it that is used today?
How is it important
in your life if at all? How has it changed over time?
3rd paragraph: Any other
interesting facts. This paragraph is optional.
The report should be
written in paragraph form and not just a list
of answers to the
above questions. Each paragraph should be well written:
topic sentence,
details and closing sentence. Remember capital letters, full stops, variety
etc. Remember to write in your own
words and not copy directly from your sources!
The guidelines for
the poster and presentation are as follows:
The poster should
display at least 5 facts about the person/invention and highlight the key
points of the report. The poster should be neat and colorful and easy to
read. You will present the poster to the class and it will be
displayed in the hall. You may take materials you need for the poster from
You need to practice
presenting your poster and information about your inventor to the class.
Presentations will
begin on Monday 26th so be prepared. The order will be random. Names will be
picked from our jar.
Week 2 Due 16/1
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
Prepare for math test about decimals! You were given a paper for review. Be sure that you know all the terms in English. Some questions will be in English. The test will be on Monday 19th January.
Week 50 Due 18/12
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once.
Geography Test is on Monday!
Week 49 Due 12/12
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once. Hand in the book every Friday!
Geography: Prepare for the geography test on the 15/12. You will need to locate at least 15 countries and their capitals on a map.
Tips på länkar till webbsidor för att öva Europas länder och huvudstäder.
I appstore finns Min Geografi för ca:20 kronor
Week 48 Due 5/12
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once. Hand in the book every Friday!
Science: The first lesson of our NTA chemistry project you and your partner was given a bag with a mystery powder. Now it is time for you to look through your notes and articles, then write how you would figure out what the mystery powder actually is. In your writing you need to tell me what you would do and of course why.
This is in preparation for your final assessment which you will have on Friday. Remember the more you read over your notes and prepare the easier it will be.
Geography: Prepare for the geography test on the 15/12. You will need to locate at least 15 countries and their capitals on a map.
Tips på länkar till webbsidor
för att öva Europas länder och huvudstäder.
I appstore finns Min
Geografi för ca:20 kronor
Dental Hygienist: The dental hygienist came to visit us this morning. Complete the "tipset".
Week 47 Due 28/11
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once. Hand in the book every Friday!
Science articles: Read the 3 articles (2 of them you have already read in class). Underline the important details from the article.
Football rules: Read the rules and have them signed. Keep a copy at home.
Math: Practice geometry (area, perimeter, mil/km/m). You may do the diagnos 2 on page 53. It will be similiar. Remember that you need to explain how you are getting your answers.
Social Studies: Fröken Europa Läs sidor 91-103. Frågorna sen i skolan (26/11)
Handwriting: For those that need to practice. You will have another chance next Friday to show your improvement in handwriting. You received practice sheets to work on the letters that you needed to improve on.
Week 46 Due 21/11
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once. Hand in the book every Friday!
Math: Area and perimeter: Math books need to be brought back on Thursday since we will be using them. Finish the work that you started on in school. You are working on the following:
pg 42-47 evens, pg 48-51 odds, or page 66-67 all.
Use your best judgement if you only had 1 problem to finish up with. Be sure to show your work with math equations, pictures and sentences to answer the questions! Do not just write your answer!
The test in geometry will be on Tuesday 25 November. It will be very similiar to the Diagnos 2 in your book in the geometry chapter. You may practice that.
Science: Read the article about Leonardo Da Vinci and answer the questions.
Svenska: Due 18/11 Skrivläxa gestaltande
Week 45 Due 14/11
Reading 3x30 Each time you read, write the first sentence that you read in a notebook. The notebook was given to you today. Use your best handwriting. You only need to write the title of the book once. Hand in the book every Friday!
Science: Read the article about chemistry and answer the questions.
Math: Find 5-10 things at home to measure. Then calculate the area and perimeter of each item. Make a chart in your homework math notebook. Use a ruler to make your chart.
Week 42 Due 24/10
Reading 3 x30
Math: Find a floor plan to an apartment or house. Study multiplication facts. Due to my absence, UN Day and Halloween, the timed test will be after the holidays
Week 41 Due 17/10
Reading 3 x30 minutes
English: We are reading the book Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian in class. Books may not be taken home.
We have been practicing reading aloud using intonation and pauses correctly. Find a poem, look in poetry books, internet etc. Practice reading it with intonation. Your goal is to know it well enough that you can recite it clearly using pauses and intonation.
Math: During week 43 (probably Thursday) you'll be having a multiplication fact test to see which fact lists you need to work on.
Science: Read about vinegar and answer the 3 questions.
Week 40 Due 10/10
English: Mystery bag! Find an item at home. Decribe your item without saying what your item is. Write your description down on paper or type it. Put your item in a bag or wrap it up so noone can see what it is. You will be presenting your description on Friday!
Social Studies: These are the questions for the test on Thursday. They should be able to answer the questions and explain and give examples.
We`ve worked with the questions in school in groups and with
the whole class. If the students want to they can borrow a textbook to bring
home and study during he week.
Vad är en demokrati? Beskriv
hur en demokrati fungerar.
Sverige är en representativ
demokrati, vad innebär det?
Vilka har rösträtt?
Hur fungerar riksdagsvalet?
Vilka kommer in? Hur går det till?
Vilka politiska partier sitter
i riksdagen?
Vad bestämmer de om i
riksdagen, kommunen och landstinget?
Math: Be sure that you have completed the work about Roman numerals in your mathbook (page 18-19) and 1.12.
In your small math notebook find 10 numbers as you go to school. Write them 3 ways: word form, Roman numeral, and ordinal number. Also write where the number was. You can make a chart like:
number word form Roman numeral ordinal number with letters
53 bus fifty three LIII fifty-third
Extra work: "*Räkna med Romerska tal" handout. Write your answers in your small notebook.
Art: Gör klart bildmappar på ena sidan: tesselering mönstret ska var färglagt. Tejpa ihop mappen. (OBS! senast 7/10)
Reading: 3 x 30minutes!
Week 39
Those students that got less than 14 correct on their ear and sound test last week, may retake the test. Let me know and we can find a new time during week 40.
English: Last week you researched a scientist. You also found a quote from the scientist.
Write a paragraph about one of the quotes. You may use a quote from your scientist or choose one that a classmate found. Think about the following:
Write the quote. Write the name of the scientist.
Use complete sentences.
Use ending punctuation.
Remember capital letters (at the beginning of your sentence, proper names)
Tell what the scientist may have meant.
Write at least 5 sentences to explain what you think the quotes means.
Art: Gör klart bildmappar på ena sidan: tesselering mönstret ska var färglagt. Tejpa ihop mappen. (OBS! senast 7/10)
Math: This week you should have worked up to page 15 in your math book.
· Homework during the week
(from Friday to Friday) is to complete the following problems in your book 156,
157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166
- Be sure that you are following the planning! If you are behind it is important that you work on it at home, fritidsklubben, or homework help to catch up.
- All homework should be done in your small homework notebook.
- Classwork should be done in your large math notebook.
- Think about writing neatly and always use a ruler to separate your problems.
- Be sure to take your math book and notebook back to school each day, in case you have extra time during the day to work on it.
- Be sure that your show your work! You should show with math equations.
Science: Read the article "Kemi genom tiderna". Underline the important parts of the article. Write a short summary in English. Remember to use capital letters, punctuation etc.
SO: Skriv 5 frågor på engelska och svenska och gör sista sidan i SKATTEN
SO: Skriv 5 frågor på engelska och svenska och gör sista sidan i SKATTEN
Week 38
Social Studies: Read "Hotet från Världsrymden". Write 5 questions in Swedish and English. Due on Thursday 25/9
Math: Everyone is working with place value and larger numbers, subtraction or addition. Some students needed to finish up work. They could be working on
page 8-12 in their maths books, 1.4 or 1.5 in a copied booklet or something else that was specifically given to them.
Science: We have been working with sound and the anatomy of the ear. On Tuesday 23 September, students will have a quiz. Everyone should have taken home during the week the book and work that we were working on to prepare for the quiz.
Reading: 30 minutes 3 times per week.
Week 36
Summer memory books and reading list are due Friday 19th September.
Week 37 Due 19th September
Conjunctions! You will be having a test on conjunctions. Monday 15th September
Summer Memory books are due on the 19th!
Social Studies: Read "Hotet från Världsrymden". Write 5 questions in Swedish and English. Due on Thursday 25/9
Math: Everyone is working with place value and larger numbers, subtraction or addition. Some students needed to finish up work. They could be working on
page 8-12 in their maths books, 1.4 or 1.5 in a copied booklet or something else that was specifically given to them.
Science: We have been working with sound and the anatomy of the ear. On Tuesday 23 September, students will have a quiz. Everyone should have taken home during the week the book and work that we were working on to prepare for the quiz.
Reading: 30 minutes 3 times per week.
Week 36
Summer memory books and reading list are due Friday 19th September.
Week 37 Due 19th September
Summer Memory books are due on the 19th!
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