Thursday, December 18, 2014
Week 51
We've had a very busy week. Unfortunately we didn't have time to write much. Here are a few photos so you can see what we've been up to.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Week 50
Nobel Day
On Wednesday it was the nobel day. On the nobel day there is the nobel
prize, but unfortunately we didn’t do anything special for the nobel day. It was
established in 1895, it was established by Alfred Nobel. You can win prizes in
physics, chemistry, physiology, literature and peace. Here are the winners in
the different categories this year.
By Hugo and Baltasar Countdown
Soon it's Christmas. It's four days until Christmas holiday and 12 days till Christmas!
Some of us stay here for Christmas and others go to an other country for Christmas and some go other places. Christmas is a holiday where you get presents from Santa who is a guy that lives in the North Pole and gives presents to everyone in the world that has been nice.
On this Thursday we were in a big project called code. Last year over 15 million kids were with in project this year more kids were with. Hour code / code is a game about programming games it is quite a challenge. Programming is about putting commands for your caricature to move or do other things. There is different commands and ways to shorten commands for for example like the du over so if there is a spiral and you don't want to take so any commands then you put three or two commands. Then you walk straight forward and then you turn and then it repeats it self in till you reach the goal.
By Bekim/Nathan
Patrik's house!
By Stella and Jennifer
This week Patrik's house got drowned by his broken water pipe. His family maybe has to change the floor and walls because it was wet. He could not come to school because he had to wait for the pipe fixer and plumber, that is expensive!!! Next day he came back to school and told us about what happened, He had to leave early at 2:00pm.
Art and crafts day
This week on both Thursday and on Friday we did arts and crafts. One of the things you could do was go down to woodwork and make a mini santa, they became very nice and are now on a few people's tables. Another thing you could do was to go down to sewing and make decorations for the Christmas tree. If you were in the classroom you could make small gingerbread houses (it wasent real gingerbread) and cards.
Made by Ella and Vera
Vi jobbade på våran Europa resa och man skulle jobba i par. Det här var paren:
Felix är sorgligt nog ensam för han hade IDP när man skulle välja grupperna. Det är Gabriela också men hon ville vara ensam.
Vi är ungefär halvvägs genom projektet.
Av Julian och Alec.
Vi I femman
On Tuesday we got to know the vi i femman results, we did not get in but we got 18 points. These schools came in in Stockholm:
Johan skytteskolan 5B in Alvsjö
Franska skolan/Ecole francaise 5B in Stockholm
Trädgårdsstadsskolan 5B in Tullinge
Österskärsskolan 5B in österskär
Eiraskolan 5:3 in stockholm
Vasaskolan 5A in Djursholm
Fredsborgsskolan HAMNEN 5B in Åkersberga
Ängsnässkolan 5B in Huddinge
Friday, December 5, 2014
Week 49
The 22 march there is going to be a omval for riksdagen. Its going to be omval because social demokraternas budget didn't pass in riksdagen. Anything could happen in the nyval so we will just have to wait and see. There hasn't been a omval in Sweden since 1958, so it is quite exciting. The democratic party's in riksdagen are Sverige demokraterna, social demokraterna, moderaterna, folk partiet, Miljöpartiet, vänster partiet, center partiet, Kristen demokraterna.
Current events
Olympiacos are playing against Malmö FF in Champions League on Tuesday at 19:45. Last time they played Malmö FF won with 2-0 so it would be really good if they won again
On Friday this week in Chemistry we wrote about different
mystery powders. The mystery powder was two of the powders we have worked with.
There were three different kinds of mixtures of mystery powders; they were
called A, B, and C. We had to write about how we would do to figure out what
the mixture we got was. We also had to write a summary about what we had
learned during the time we had chemistry. Then we got to test out how we had
written how to test what the mystery powders were. We thought it was very fun
with chemistry this term.
This week in art we worked with our movies. First, our teacher Ulla would put us in groups, 3 people were in each group. Than each person in each group would draw a picture and then put it in a film program called iMovie on iPads. Then we would speak on the microphone to illustrate our storys and send them to Ulla. We have until the 8/12 do be done.
By Julian & Alex
Opera workshop
On Wednesday we were at a opera workshop. We got to act and talk about how to win a argument with out your parents just saying no. We also got 30 seconds to rite down what we would take if ther was a fire in your house a lot of people rote that they would take ther family's.
Christmas Bazaar
Tomorrow December 6 2014 we are having a Christmas Bazaar. All of the students in each class brings something to sell on the bazaar. All of the classes try to make as much money as possible for a class trip in 6th grade. This year all of the classes are going to be outside except for our class that are inside. We are having a cafe.
By Stella & Maximus
Math Calendar
The whole class made a Christmas math calendar together. Everybody made a number each. Everybody had to have a math problem to there number. Everyday we draw and the one that gets to open the window for that day. When we made the calendar we had to make shore that the math problem was challenging.
Dental hygienist
On Monday a dental hygienist came to our class to talk about teeth. The people who go to classes and talk are called Flour- tanten in Swedish. She told us what the teeth liked and what they didn't, and what could happen if you didn't brush them. For example, if you didn't brush your teeth for a long time then you would get caries also known as wholes in your teeth which can make them hurt and you may even have to pull a tooth out. She also gave us some tips to get healthy teeth. Only eat every 2 hours and let your teeth rest. Also to never brush your teeth after drinking or eating anything sour. Wait at least half an before brushing your teeth after consuming anything sour.
By Gabriela and Jesper
This week we played chess. Chess is a bord game a kind of startigic bord game where you have tones of pieces and you try to checkmate the oppositions king and you have tons of pieces to do so such as the queen the horse and the castle and bishop. In chess this week we played chess with our chess teacher ingvar. With ingvar we learned some good chess moves.
Balti and Bekim
Students Choice Art!
This week in students choice art we made our own Leonardo Da Vinci Mona Lisa. You could draw one,paint one, get a photo and specialize it or use oil pastels. Some made mustaches and some made vampires. In the end no one was done.
We could make them how we wanted!
Friday, November 28, 2014
Week 48
On Wednesday I found out that my cat Solo died but he died about 3 weeks before my dad told me. My cat lived in the USA because I lived there
then when me and my family moved to Sweden he was too old to go on the plane. My
cat was 18 years old when he died which is very old for a cat. My cat was African, he came from Kenya. He was a black cat and would kill every rat he would see. The memorial for Solo is Elliot
Elevens Val-SO
Thursday we had Elevens Val and I was in SO. This was the first lesson because
we have 4 Elevens Val periods per year and this one we had now was our 3rd
Elevens Val period. In SO we were talking about Leonardo Da Vinci and we were
also supposed to find out things about him in groups with two or three people
in a group like birthday, when he died, were he lived... After we had searched
on the iPad to find facts we were supposed to write them down on a piece of paper.
Elevens Val
Fröken Europa
Last week Patrik gave us a book that is called "Fröken Europa". We were supposed to read it at home three times because we would have a test on what we read the week after. Yesterday we got the test and there were three questions. Th questions were vad berättade Isabel om Norge?and om du var i Evas klass vad skull du göra?and hur tyker du hur den här berättelsen håller ihop? There was one question for each of the chapters we read at home.
By Maximus James Persson
Winter day
We made a winter day description about a winter day without using the words winter or snow. It was very hard. Some people used dictionaries to describe snow and winter. We made pictures to the descriptions on a black pice of paper. We used oil pastels.
Math Test
By Wilma and Baltasar
This week we had a math test in area and perimeter. In the test we basically had questions like what is area of this square and stuff like that. We also did a bit of scaling for example a scale of 1:10 000. We also did a bit of stuff with Swedish miles for example how many meters is 4.5 km. In the test there was also Swedish miles. For example: write in miles and kilometres: 426km answer: 42miles 6km
EUROPE TRIP(it's a fake trip)
This week in geography we worked on the Europe trip. We finished the covers for the trip book and started to look at what trains to take and what hotels to stay at. Some people also started writing about their trip. You needed to go to at least two country's in Europe. You also needed to write a list of things you need for your trip.
Current Events
This week there has been champions league! Malmö played against Juventus and lost 2-0. Arsenal played too and won 2-0 vs Dortmund were sanogo scored his first goal for the club and Sanchez scored the other goal for Arsenal. Liverpool also played but tied 2-2 vs Ludogrets. The rest of scores were
Wednesday, November 26
Alex and Felix
Week 48
About half of the class goes in sewing. This week in sewing some people made Pilow cases and some where still working on there knitting. For the pillow cases we used the sewing machines. Agneta (our sewing teacher) decided our places where you sit and where you sit when you sew on the sewing machine. Thes are the people that are in sewing...
Emma, Jennifer, Gabriela, Oscar, Elliot, Felix, Maximus, Séan, Jesper, Hugo, Bekim, Isak.
After the Christmas holidays we are going to change from sewing to woodwork.
By Emma and Jennifer
NTA Heat Project
We had three candles, and a cup of water for safety.
We also had a aluminium cup to put in the powder so that it would not start to burn because aluminium doesn't burn, but it melts when it is warmer. Some powders melted and bubbled and some didn't do any thing. We went out in groups of 4 and a teacher the rest where in the class room waiting for there turn.
Recently people have been donating lots of Money to project RED. Project RED is a donation campaign to people who have AIDS. AIDS is a very big sickness . People have been donating so much to Ebola so people have forgotten AIDS. The first of December it is AIDS day then people where red bands instead of pink fore Brest cancer. HIV stands fore human immunodeficiency disease.
By Molly Robinson & Nathan Jonsson
Friday, November 21, 2014
Week 47
In NTA this year we are working with chemicals and those stuff. There are five mystical powder. Now we are mixing the cemicals with water vinegar iodine and red cabbage juice. We worked with the red cabbage juice the red cabbage made very cool efects on the powders. We can start with the powder in the red circle it gave a very slushy form. In the yellow circle became pink and slushy. The green circle became green and slushy. Orenge circle became blue and hard. Moving on to the next one the final one the blu circle made a little harder slush.
This week we went the royal opera and we got to go backstage. The stage was slightly bent so that the crowd could see the actors. When we were there, people were working so we had to stay out of the way. Things could fall on us when they were working. There was a part of the stage that goes down and up so you could put things on it. There were also trap doors that the actors could fall through when they wanted to disapear.
We thought it was very fun at the opera and we would like to go there agian. We took the bus back to school and continued a normal Monday.
Democracy test
On Thursday we received our results for the democracy test, we did in week 43. We where going to take it home and show our parents so that they can sign it and then we take it back to school and hand it back to Patrik.
By Hugo and Liam
This week in NTA we experimented with iodine. We used the white powders marked with red, orange, yellow, green and blue stickers on the lid. We put one spoon of the powders in each coloured ring on the tray, according to which coloured sticker there was on the lid. We dropped six drops of iodine on each powder. The red one mixed up and turned orange. The orange one turned black. The yellow one also mixed up and turned orange. The green one was weird because the iodine rolled off the sides of the powder. The blue one just got lumpy. Here is a photo of the result.
By Elliot & Freja.
Short Stories
Friday the 11th of November
This week we worked with short stories witch in Swedish is called "novell",
novell in Swedish is not the same thing as in English because Novel in English is a "roman" in Swedish which is a book. We read a short story out loud in a group, and discussed it afterward. We made sure that the story worked with something called "val modellen". "Val modellen" is a model shaped like whale to show how short stories are written and built up. When every group was finished with discussing if the story fit in the model then all the groups gathered in the classroom and we discussed if it was right or not.
By Emma and Wilma
A day at the Opera house!
This week on Monday our class went to the "Kungliga" Opera. The guide told us about a king who ruled over Sweden a long time ago. His name was king Gustav the 3 and he loved Opera. On one of his masquerade parties when he was having dinner with his friends he got a letter saying for him not to attend to his party. The kings reply was "Do you think I am scared." Then when he arrived to his party he was instantly surrounded by five men and one of them took out a gun and killed him.
Last Wednesday we had a music test with Thomas, our music teacher. In the test you were supposed to write what the music symbols meant and draw the symbols. You could answer 34 questions and you could get 34 correct. Everyone got a test in the beginning of the lesson and then got as much time as you needed. It probably took half of the lesson (30 minutes) for everyone to be finished. When you were finished with the test you got a paper to doodle on. We will get our tests back next Wednesday which is week 48.
HELP ONLY 4 WEEKS LEFT OF 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Jesper Goksör & Maximus James
Europa Resan
This week in geography, we worked 80 min with Europa resan. People are still working with passports and some just got done. Some started with diary covers and some started with packing lists. Europa resan is when you choose max 4 countries in Europe and you are supposed to write facts about those countries and supposed to write a story of when you were there. We are going to work with this for 6 weeks.
Current events (chess tournament)
The last two weeks Anand and Carlsen have been competing in loads of matches about who will be the best at chess in the world. Right now it is 5-4 to Carlsen. In the classroom we've been looking at 1-2 games on the whiteboard. Today (Friday) Anand is playing with white and Carlsen with black. It is first to 6.5 points who wins.
Alex and Stella
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Week 46
This week on
Wednesday we took a learners permit test for cursive writing, Some people
passed the test and some didn’t. The people who did not pass got papers that
had different practices for the letters they got wrong. The people that did
pass got a book of cursive letters and practices for cursive. Everyone who needs to practice can take the test again when they feel ready.
Written by: Ella and Gabriela
Ebola is a sickness, a very dangerous one too.Ebola makes
it so you get bleedings inside of you and that is dangerous.
Kahoot is a quiz-game. Patrik makes questions on his computer and everyone gets a iPad and you answer the questions on your iPad. This week we did a quiz about short stories. Felix won that one. He got all five questions correct and 0 incorrect. We have been playing that game about 5 times now. We love that game really really much!
Alec & Séan
(Maximus's grandpa)
On Monday Maximuse' s grandpa Jim came for a visit and talked about what architects do. He showed us some tactics how to draw buildings and apartments. We got a piece of paper to draw on. He showed us the three dimensional shapes. He explained that if you were standing in the middle of a field and looked straight forwards your eyes will always look on the horizon. Jim's most famous drawing of a building is in Miami called ASIA Condelumum. This is the ASIA Condelumum!
By Jennifer and Nathan
Textile crafts
This week in textile crafts we did patch work. I think that it is fun because there was a lot of geometry involved and you got to use the sewing machine. Many people are doing seat cushions but some are doing pillow cases.
Week 46
This week in gym we hade a "Pippi-bana" there was five stations were we hade to do different stuff. The first station you hade to climb on the "ladders" witch hade ribbons on them and you hade to climb on the same "ladder step" as the ribbon was on. The second station you hade to pretend that you were on a boat and pretend to row a boat. The third station you hade to jump around on some obstacles with out touching the ground. The fourth station you were supposed to balance on a "pole" and a bench. On the fith and last station you were supposed to pretend that you were a thief and "hide from the police" behind a obstacle.
By Emma and Liam
Short Stories
This week we have been working with short stories. We have been reading different short stories and we have listened to one story. After then we answered questions about the story's.
We have also been working with the difference between short stories and novels.
We read a story in a group then we drew a picture of it.
By Bekim and Wilma
Gestaldande Ord
On Wednesday we worked on "gestaldande ord" with Patrik our Swedish teacher. That is when you describe a word or day for example Christmas. Then you are not allowed to use the word Christmas because you are only allowed to use words that describe Christmas. So " gestaldande ord" is almost exalctly like an ajective.
By Vera Dahlén & Maximus James Persson
This week we read chapter three and four in Goodnight Mister Tom. The chapters were called Saturday morning and Equipped. Chapter 3 started with Willie wetting the bed and throwing up.
He had forgotten that he was living with mister Tom. He was going to write to his mother in London but he got scared and Tom found out he can't spell his own name and can't read. Some people has finished chapter three and some chapter four.
By Felix and Freja.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Week 45
Students Choice-Sewing

Today we changed seats. Hillary picked out names from
a cup with evryones name we called it the lucky draw. We sit next to these
Isak – Oscar
Felix – Maximus
Julian – Bekim
– Baltasar
– Vera
– Jesper
Emma – Wilma
Hugo - ?
Nathan -?
Alec - ?
These are our new places!
By Molly and Jennifer!
Life is Beautiful
By Emma and Wilma
This week we finished watching
a movie called La Viva e` Bella (Life is Beautiful). It is about the Second
World War. A father and his son goes to the concentration camp with the
father`s uncle. The father pretends that it is all a game so that his son won`t
get frighten. The son is about six years old. When they arrive the uncle goes
into a different line, then the dad pretends that he goes into a different
team. While he actually goes to the “showers”. Where they gas them to death.
The Mother of the boy is not a Jew but when she found out
that they had been taken she demands to follow, because her son and husband are
on the train.
Europe trip
This week we worked on Europe trip a few lessons. The thing we worked on was making a passport for when we "travel" around Europe. Nearly everyone is done with the passport and some people have started with the diary cover. The diary is to record the things that happen in our "trip". When we finish that we will look up information in both books and on internet about the places we are "traveling" to.
By: Ella and Vera
Life is Beautiful
We watched a movie called "Life is Beautiful". It was about a man (Roberto Benigini) called Guido. He married a woman called Dora and then they had a son called Giosué. One day soldiers came home to them and took them to a concentration camp. Guido said to Giosué that it was only a game so that he wouldn't get scared. He said that you get points for everything you do and the first one to 1000 points wins a tank, and Giosué loves tanks. Dora wanted to go with to the camp, so she could die with them. They let her go on the train that took them to the camp. We're not going to spoil the rest. We really think you should watch this movie.
Alec & Nathan
In math this week we had geometry. We worked with area and perimeter We started working in a new math folder which was about geometry and shapes. We thought that it was hard and a little fun. Last Tuesday we got a paper where we had to measure 10 objects and figure out the area and perimeter.
Alex and Baltasar
Vi I femman
Every year there is a competition called "Vi I Femman" where they pick out the smartest classes in Sweden. Our class is in the competition. We got a paper and there we had to write our first name and our last name. After that you had to write what class you go in and your teachers name. Then you got 25 questions and the classes that get the questions right come in to "vi I femman".
By Isak and Oscar
Kahoot is a quiz were everyone gets an ipad while Patrick is making a quiz server on the whiteboard. When Patrik has made a game server everyone joins the server and then we start. Everyone chooses a nickname and when you join your nickname comes up on to the whiteboard which is the scoreboard in this case. Patrik can decided how long time you have to answer the questions, we usually play with twenty seconds. He can also choose what category and how many questions. When the game starts a question pops up on the whiteboard, you get three seconds to read the questions. After you have read the question you get three or four answers to choose from. Red blue green and yellow. On your iPad all of those colors pop up and you klick the one you think is the right answer. You get points and you should try to answer as quickly because you get more points that way. Whoever gets the most points wins the game.
By Maximus & Felix
On Wednesday at gym we were working on being co-operative. One of the people would be blindfolded and the rest of the group would guide you and than after that you would go into groups 2-and-2 and than only one person would guide you. But before that we would sit in a circle with our group and we would take a rope and make it a square without looking.
By Bekim and Julian!
Every Tuesday until schack 5-6an Ingvar will come to our class and teach us how to get better at chess. Ingvar is a chess teacher who has chess lessons at the school. He was our "coach" last year in schack 4an, and we are hoping to get as far in schack 5-6an as we did in schack 4an last year. It will be fun and challenging but mostly fun.
By Hugo
This week on Thursday the 6th of November we had the first snowfall this winter! It was on Stella's eleventh birthday. During break all the kids went up to the football field and played with the snow. They built snowmen and all kinds of other things. On the next day it melted though, but it was still fun and we expect more snow this winter.
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